
Showing posts from July, 2023
    NATO Summit 2023: the focus of the objectives   The focus points of "Deterrence and Defence, Support for Ukraine, Defence Investment, Strategic Partnerships, Changing Security Challenges, and NATO’s United Strength" are key areas of emphasis that are expected to influence decisions made at the summit. Deterrence and Defence: This pertains to the strategies and measures employed by NATO to deter potential adversaries and ensure the collective defense of its member states. It involves maintaining a credible and robust defense posture, including military capabilities, infrastructure, and the readiness to respond effectively to any threats or aggression. Support for Ukraine: This refers to NATO's commitment to providing assistance and backing to Ukraine, a non-NATO member, in the face of security challenges. It may involve political support, economic aid, capacity building, and other forms of assistance to help Ukraine enhance its security and stability. Defence Investm
  United States’ stance regarding the  use of Cluster Munitions Introduction   US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated that President Joe Biden had approved the deployment of the weapon after receiving a unanimous recommendation. Sullivan further described the decision as a difficult one that was made following consultations. Allies and partners have expressed their support for this decision, citing that the United States plans to deploy a modified version of the weapon with a lower failure rate. This modification aims to reduce the instances of small bombs failing to explode, which often result in unexpected deaths due to the presence of unexploded artillery shells in battlefields and populated areas. A recent package "will provide Ukraine with additional large-scale artillery systems and ammunition, including highly effective and reliable dual-purpose improved conventional weapons (DPICM)," the Pentagon said in a statement, referring to cluster weapons. The decis
  The National Security domain of United States: threat Perception corners, after 2000 Introduction   Eight significant national security theories have existed in US's 227-year history: Washington's Farewell Address, the Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny, the Open Door Policy, the Off-Shore Balancer, Containment, and the present theory of Preemption. Presidential ideologies have varied in scope from regional to global and in duration from temporary to essentially permanent. In the Western Hemisphere, the Monroe Doctrine forbade European expansionism. In the same context, the Roosevelt Corollary provided a rationale for American military intervention in response to unstable Latin American governments. President George H.W. Bush Delivers Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Delivered 7 December 1991, USS Arizona Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii. Courtesy George H.W. Bush Library Center, Source: URL: